Top 5 The Best of MrBeast

Con un mix del lusso più sfrenato, gli scherzi tra amici e le sfide più assurde, MrBeast ha accumulato milioni di follower che consumano un tipo di divertimento che non trovano nei mezzi di comunicazione convenzionali. Questi sono i prodotti audiovisuali più virali di MrBeast, dove i soldi hanno sempre un ruolo da protagonista.

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$456,000 Squid Game in Real Life 

In MrBeast’s most popular video, he recreates the challenges from hit Korean TV series Squid Game, albeit less deadly. Like the show, 456 people compete for $456,000 (576,821,760 won). Creating the video cost $3.5 million, of which $1.5 million was prize money. He allegedly earned $700,000 from the video, in addition to revenue from sponsors.

Anything You Can Fit in The Circle, I’ll Pay For

In various shops, friends, fans and random strangers win everything they can fit in a circle. They collect items in the store and try to stack up as much as they can in the small space. The video at times becomes unexpectedly moving when participants explain their personal circumstances.

I Ate a $70,000 Golden Pizza

MrBeast and his friends eat different kinds of food increasing in price. Starting with a $1 slice of pizza, they go through $8 burgers, $16 chicken wings, a $125 milkshake, a $2,000 steak and $5,000 tacos, all the way up to a $70,000 pizza, made with edible gold leaves and topped with caviar.

Last to Leave $800,000 Island Keeps It 

Ten contestants try to complete ten challenges to win a small island in the Bahamas, including a treasure hunt, hide-and-seek and a coconut toss. Chandler — who never wins anything — surprises everyone by winning. He names the island Jeff, but eventually has to sell it because he cannot pay the taxes.

Finger on the App 

Not a video, but a mobile game. The contestant who kept their finger on the app on their mobile phone longest would win £25,000. After three days, four contestants remained and MrBeast called off the competition, giving each $20,000. Finger on the App 2 launched in 2021 and a contestant going by the nickname Swagbacon123 won $100,000, after two days and three hours.

Anglopolis: Who's Afraid of Phrasal Verbs?


Anglopolis: Who's Afraid of Phrasal Verbs?

Sono il terrore della maggior parte degli studenti di inglese, strutture grammaticali apparentemente semplici che possono trasformarsi in un vero e proprio incubo. Per non aver paura di loro e poterle dominare basta conoscerle meglio. Te la senti di avvicinarti?

Sarah Presant Collins

The Killing of a US President


The Killing of a US President

L'attentato a Donald Trump ha fatto rivivere i fantasmi dell'assassinio negli Stati Uniti. Diamo uno sguardo storico - e linguistico - a questo fenomeno dalla Guerra Civile in poi.

Alex Phillips

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"Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier


"Rebecca" by Daphne du Maurier

Questo capolavoro della letteratura gotica del XX secolo è un’inquietante storia d’amore e ossessione, che Alfred Hitchcock portò sul grande schermo, e che descrive la complessa psicologia di personaggi intrappolati nel passato.

Alex Phillips