Catching up with a Friend: Everyday Dialogues

Una chiacchierata tra amici per tenersi aggiornati sulle ultime novità: And what about you, what did you do last night?

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Susy: Hey dude, what’s up?

Mat: Oh, hi mate! Nothing much. Just chillaxing after a late one.

Susy: That gig last night was totally awesome!

Mat: OMG, it was lit! Did you get into the after-party?

Susy: No, I had to cut and run. You?

Mat: Oh yeah, I blagged my way in. It was well posh.

Susy: Slay! I’m so jelly, man! I bet it was boujee.

Mat: Savage AF.  Free drinks and the grub was  top-notch.

Susy: Did you get smashed?

Mat: No, you know, me, I don’t indulge

Susy: Good for you. Did you crash at Pete’s?

Mat: Nah, I drove home. We’re hooking up later. Wanna join?

Susy: Mos def! Cool!

Mat: Cool!


What’s up? is a colloquial way of asking, “How are you?”

Chillax is an amalgamation of ‘chill out’ and ‘relax’.

A gig is a concert.

OMG is short for ‘Oh, my God’.

Lit is slang for ‘amazing’ or ‘excellent’.

Cut and run means to leave quickly.

To blag is to persuade someone to let you do something in a slightly dishonest way.

Well posh is slang for ‘very upper-class’.

Jelly is short for ‘jealous’.

Boujee means ‘high-class’, derived from the French ‘bourgeois’.

Savage AF means ‘extremely brilliant’; ‘AF’ is short for ‘as fuck’.

Smashed means drunk.

To crash is to spend the night.

Mos def is short for ‘most definitely’.

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