Fall Foliage: US Nature

Con l’arrivo dell’autunno, le foreste decidue degli Stati Uniti offrono uno spettacolo naturale caratterizzato da un’esplosione di variazioni cromatiche destinata a durare solo per un periodo limitato.

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Sarah Davison

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It’s leaf-peeping season! As the days get shorter, nature puts on a spectacular show in many parts of the United States, drawing thousands of admirers to the country’s national parks. The leaves on the trees begin to change colour, from green to red, orange and gold. All across the northern states, the forests put on a magnificent display of fiery hues

Deciduous trees

Not all trees change colour, as some are evergreen. These trees are always green, but lose their leaves at different times of the year. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall to conserve energy. Common species in the US include oak, birch and beech. These trees have broad leaves that put the different shades on display before they drop off and leave the trees bare for winter. Fall colours become gradually visible through the green, as the colder weather slows down the production of chlorophyll.

Changing seasons

Deciduous forests are one of the three biomes in the US, along with grasslands and deserts. Deciduous forest biomes primarily stretch up the East Coast, from Florida to Maine, but also spread across the Midwest and into parts of Texas. Temperature variations and moderate rainfall make them rich in biodiversity. Animal life is another reason to visit these forests in the fall: the forests attract a lot of birdlife, as well as deer, raccoons, opossums, porcupines and red foxes — all have adapted to survive the four distinct seasons.


Questo articolo appartiene al numero october 2024 della rivista Speak Up.

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